

Does fire use up oxygen

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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yes, it burns oxygen at a constant rate, that rate is unknown to me

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Q: Does fire use up oxygen
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What should you do during a fire?

Well a fire is made up of three things, heat, oxygen and fuel. So if there is a fire you need to get rid of one of these three and the fire will go out, this is why we use fire extinguishers because the foam covers the fire stopping oxygen from getting to it.

Do fire extinguishers use oxygen?

No. Fire is a chemical reaction between oxygen and a flammable material. Adding extra oxygen speeds up the reaction, making the fire burn even hotter and making it easier for the fire to spread.

Why do firefighters need oxygen?

At the place of fire, the burning things use up all the oxygen(burning is nothing but reaction with oxygen) and fill the place with Carbon Monoxide and dense fumes, so to be able to stand there and douse the fire, firefighters do need Oxygen to breathe properly.

How does fire affect air?

Part of air is made up of oxygen without which fire can't happen. Air can feed a fire; it contains oxygen.

Can a spaceship catch fire in space?

A spaceship could catch on fire in the cabin where there is oxygen, but not on the outside of the ship since there is no oxygen for the fire to use to stay alive.

Why do fire men use sand to put a fire out?

because it takes away the oxygen which fuels a fire.

Why would you use foam to put out a fire?

Not normal foam but carbon dioxide foam from a fire extinguisher. This special foam covers the fire and takes all the oxygen out of it, and with no oxygen, no fire!!!

Why fire is pointing up?

to reach the oxygen for fuel

What happens you remove fuel and oxygen from fire?

It will flare-up!O2 is fires food,the more it eats the more intence.

What is one use for oxygen?

Oxygen is used by people as we breath it of the uses of oxygen is that fire needs it to burn

Why do you use foam to put out a fire?

The foam cuts the connection of fire with air (oxygen) & thus puts out fire.

Why is oxygen used up when a fire burns?

a) oxygen does not burn b) oxygen combines with the fuel - it is NOT a catalyst. c) a fire does acellerate when oxygen is added.