

Does fly paper attract flies

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Does fly paper attract flies
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How does fly paper catch flies?

pheromones that attract the insects, sticky glue that holds them, and poison that kills them in the off chance that they might escape the glue somehow before they died of starvation.

How does the wingspan of a paper airplane affects the it flies?

Yes. A wider winspan will make a paper airplane fly farther.


you can not eat house flies because they are not food, they are bugs. if you want to kill a house fly, USE A FLY SWATTER. or you can buy some of those sticky things that hang from a ceiling, they attract the flies because of the smell.

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yes magets can attract iron paper clips

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How can flies be control?

Flies can be controlled by practicing good sanitation habits like keeping garbage tightly sealed, using fly traps or fly paper, and eliminating breeding sites such as standing water. Insecticides can also be used as a last resort for severe fly infestations.

Where is the best place to hang a fly paper?

Where flies tend to hang out, like near garbage cans, doors or windows.

What are flies attract to?

because they are

Why do paper aeroplanes fly in the air?

paper aeroplanes flies in air because they less resist the air. For example- if you drop a heavy object and a paper from same height, the heavy object reaches first to ground and the paper will reach ground after the object. Similarly, paper plane flies for some time in air then it comes down.

What is future tense of flies?

The future tense of the verb "flies" is "fly," as in "he will fly," "she will fly," etc.

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static electricity

Give 10 alliterations starting with the fly?

The Flies fly over fields of fruit. The Flying flies fly far. The Flipping flies fly fanatically The flies fly with flipping wings. the Fruit flies are fanatics for fruit fThe ruit flies fight Finland flies freakishly. That's all i can think of at the mo!! ohh it has to start with specifically THE FLY!! SOZ