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Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is used in the food industry, not Carbon Monoxide (CO). CO2 can be used to create the fizzy bubbles in your soda or the vegetables you eat. The thing is, most of our food contains CO2 in it. Whether consumed directly, such as plants, or indirectly, such as humans eating plants, we all eat Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Monoxide, however, is not used in foods at all.

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Q: Does food contain carbon monoxide
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Does charcoal contain carbon monoxide?

It does not contain carbon monoxide, but it will likely produce carbon monoxide when burned.

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Pure nicotine doesn't contain carbon monoxide.

What does each molecule of carbon monoxide contain?

Carbon monoxide contain one atom of carbon and one atom of oxygen.

Why are carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are not example of organic chemistry?

An organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide contain carbon an oxygen, but not hydrogen.

Does marijuana have carbon monoxide?

It might not contain it on its own but, as it is made primarily of organic substances, can produce some carbon monoxide when burned.

Can air conditioning contain carbon monoxide?

Only if the air it is circulating has carbon monoxide. Air conditioners do not produce nor do they contain carbon monoxide. If you suspect carbon monoxide in your air, you need to have an HVAC professional or your local gas company inspect your dwelling because another source is producing this deadly gas. Unmaintenanced heating systems are often the culprit.

What does polluted air contain?

carbon monoxide, dirt, germ, pollutants

Compounds contain Carbon but are not Organic?

Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonic acid, carbonates, and bicarbonates are inorganic.

What is a seagulls favorite food?

probably not carbon monoxide

Does farts contain methain?

yes along with gases in the atmosphere (argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxygen)

What is the definition of compounds that contain carbon?

Compounds that contain carbon are organic compounds. However, they really consist of carbon and hydrogen, as well as other elements, depending on the classification. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are not organic, even though they contain carbon, because they do not also contain hydrogen.

Does carbon monoxide come from cigarettes?

It isn't used in cigarettes. It is an unintended but unavoidable byproduct. Carbon monoxide is a natural product of the incomplete combustion of organic compounds. This includes the cellulose in the tobacco leaves and paper of a cigarette.