

Does gas expand when cooled?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Does gas expand when cooled?
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Why does a gass expand when heated and contract when cooled?

When a gas is heated up, the particles within the gas start to move faster, going farther apart (expansion). When a gas is cooled, the particles slow down and it starts to condense (contract), and if cooled enough, into a liquid.

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If you cool a gas then its volume shrinks. As the container is expand/contactable, the container will also shrink.

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they expand

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Oil does expand when heated and contracts when cooled.

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Does magma expand when cooled?

No It Contracts. Unless there is some kind of gas which would make it form Bubbles. But no magma doesn't Expand It CONTRACTS! Contracts- Making Something smaller, pushing it together compressing it :)

Is liquid expand when heated?

Yes, in general a liquid will expand when heated. They contract when they are cooled.

Does jelly expand when being cooled and left to set?

No jelly does not expand because its particles are not being frozen.

What happens to a gas as it is cooled below 0 degrees?

this is known as liquifaction if the gas is cooled to liquid.

Liquids contract when heated?

Liquids expand when heated and contractwhen cooled.