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Q: Does gelatin and cranberry juice pass a marijuana test?
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Will cranberry juice help pass kidney stone?

Any liquid will help, but cranberry juice has nothing over water pertaining to kidney stones. Cranberry juice helps with kidney and bladder infections.

What can you use at home to pass a drug follicle test?

cranberry juice and alot of water.........

Can you pass THC test if using cranberry juiced and water?

Cranberry juice can help dilute the urine and increase urination before the test forcing the traceable THC out of your body. However, this does cause the urine's pH level to be out of normal range and color to be clear. Some testers will fail a client automatically for signs of urine dilution.

How do you pass marjuana drug test?

Cranberry juice. Cranberry juice helps with the urinary tract. There is also urinary tablets or supplements which contain cranberry that can help. Then their is the old fassion way borrow someone's urine make sure if you do they are the same sex as yourself . Lol

Will cranberry juice and water clear out Valium in your urine?

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If you take 2 xanax bars and an oxy 30 an drank cranberry juice all day will you pass a drug test that day?


Can you pass a urine test after smoking weed two weeks earlier?

yes. drink ALOT of water and cranberry juice. drink some pickle juice, stay away from soda.

You took one hit of pot and took a piss test will you pass?

Most likely you will fail but there is a possibilty that if you drink a whole bottle of cranberry juice and go to the restroom alot, you will pass.

How do you get marijuana out of system?

Acidic liquids work best. Mostly orange juice and cranberry juice will work. Also niacin helps slightly. In honesty though nothing completely cleans your system other than time itself. But the things I listed have, in the past, helped me pass drug tests for both probation and jobs. 5 years on probation and no failed tests.

Can you get marijuana out of your system with pickle juice?

It takes approximately 5 gallons of pickle juice to get weed out of your system you will pass a drug test I didn't believe it so I tried it and it worked I drank 6 and a half gallons.. good luck :)

How do you pass marijuana test?

Drink lots and lots of water and cranberry juice. Don't eat chocolate or other fat stuff after two weeks before the test. ON the day of the test do not eat anything at all. nothing for 12 hours because the chemical THC sticks to your fat tissues and may even stay there forever in your system but the best way is to not eat for 12 hours before your test begins.

How fast does cranberry juice clean out your system?

Cranberry juice will NOT clean your system. It is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. If you are asking this question because of an upcoming drug test, the only way cranberry juice will help you pass is because of it's diuretic properties. Basically, if you drink water to try and beat a test, and it works, it will only work because you're literally just peeing water, and not drug molecules.