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No, the compound noun 'general contractor' is a common noun. A common noun is always capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence.

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized. When the noun 'general contractor' is the title of a specific person, it is a proper noun, for example: John J. Johnson, General Contractor.

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Q: Does general contractor need to be capitalized?
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What type of license does a general contractor need?

Normally a general contractor just needs a state license. Depending on what he does he may need additional licenses.

What kind of training is necessary to get a general contractor's license?

You need to attend school to gain the skills for general contractor's to get your license to make sure you are trained correctly.

Do you need a general contractor license in Carroll county Maryland?

A person will need a general contracting license in Carroll County, Maryland if they are performing duties in which they would need to be covered by insurance or a specific company. A general contractor will contract out work for other people to do.

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General liability.(contractor's)

How do you Fire a general contractor from a condo?

Read the contract signed with the general contractor and follow the guidelines written there. You may also need the guidance and advice of the association's attorney.

Can a roof be fixed by a general contractor?

If he can't he shouldn't be a general contractor

Does prime minister need to be capitalized?

Only when it is a title, ex. the Prime Minister of Canada. But in general terms it should not be capitalized.

Do you need a contractors license in Carroll County MD?

Do i need a general contractor license for commercial jobs.

What education or training do you need to become a general contractor?

You need to be familiar with building and have a licsence and pass the test

Is a person a subcontractor if the general contractor makes the price?

Anyone who does work for a general contractor and is not a direct employee of that contractor is a sub-contractor. Regardless of who sets the price. The subcontractors work within the contract set between the general contractor and homeowner. Hence sub-contractor.

Who was the contractor that built the metrodome?

General Contractor Lic.

What is This does not need to be capitalized and is the term given for the general description of a noun?

A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or a thing.A common noun is capitalized only when it is the first word of a sentence.