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It does hurt for a few days, but don't worry. i am 13 and mine was off yesterday. My bottom teeth hurt like crazy! I got in little rubber spacers yesterday too, and now my teeth hurt so bad i can't chew anything. Good luck, and don't worry! Taking it off is noisy, but remember, it's not your teeth, it's the expander coming off! it'll feel weird being able to feel the roof of your mouth again, so eating will be difficult for a few days. Again, don't worry and good luck hun'!

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13y ago

I am getting mine off in two hours, but no. The rings make spaces in between your back teeth, and the dentist will melt the glue. After that there is usually a day or two when you can chew gum!!!!!! Then, if you are'nt ready for braces, they give you a perminate retainer on the bottom, and an in-out one on the top, but then no gumGRr

OK well when i got mine of it HURT SO BAD! im sorry but it does! AND YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG. What they do is they take this pliar thing and pop the glue off ur teeth and rip the expander out. :( Oh and yea it does bleed a lot. When i got mine out i had to get up 4 times to rinse the blood out of my mouth :( Yea it does hurt but its only for a little while and when its over it feels great!

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13y ago

Well, I am 13 years old and I've had my expander on for a few months now. The first 2 weeks or so that I turned it, I felt a lot of pressure and just a little bit soreness. It wasn't unbearable though. It was hard for me to chew but I was fine with drinking and eating soft things! :-) Now, I can turn the expander about 12 times with no pain so trust me, you will get used to it and it hardly hurts; there is just a LOT of pressure and a little soreness involved. You will be okay. (Pain may vary according to how strong your gums are. Everyone is different. Some people cry. Some people dont feel anything but the majority of people with expanders experience as I did so don't worry.) :-D

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Q: Does getting your teeth expander OFF hurt?
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ANSWER:Yes and no. To get the actual braces off doesn't hurt at all but taking the glue off does. It's a really cold feeling and it doesn't hurt your teeth but it hurts your gums. Then you get molds for retainers and they don't hurt one bit. Maybe just a little uncomfortable. Some people say that they hurt after, but I got mine off a few hours ago and they don't hurt one bit! Goodluck! xoxo

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well i have to get an expander for my teeth and it will be taken off in a few months.i asked my mom if it would hurt she said they put some sort of cemical on it and it loosens up the glue and you can pop it right out so i bet that's the same as braces it only hurts when you put them on i guess

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