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Q: Does goat cheese have a lot of fat?
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What is green cheese it has fat?

i don't no but green cheese is SMELLY and it is goat cheese and it isn't fat

Does goat cheese have less fat than other cheeses?

No it does not

How many carbohydrates are in 1 oz goat cheese?

If you are concerned about carbs then stick to low-fat cottage cheese.

What is goat cheese?

Cheese made with goat milk!

What is the healthier feta or mozzarella cheese?

Not if you are watching fat content. Goat cheese has a higher fat content than cheese from cows. However, goat's cheese has some nutrients that are little more or more readily available (plus it does not contain lactose) which might make it a more healthier choice than cheese from cows. But that isn't to say that goats milk is still healthier than cow's milk cheese, because both are just as healthy as the other. It's just a matter of opinion as to which you think is best.

What is your favorite type of goat cheese?

the type that that guy in Romania gave me when i was 4. it tasted good. or i like the type of goat cheese that tastes like goat cheese. what does goat cheese taste like?

Should goats cheese have an apostrophe?

It depends on how you're using it. Usually, people just say "goat cheese" to mean cheese made from goat milk. If you're talking about cheese belonging to a goat, you'd say "goat's cheese."

How many grams of fat in 1oz goat cheese?

it depends on the cheese. Cheddar for example contains about 10g fat; it's one of the richest cheeses.

What is the white Greek cheese made from goat's milk?

Feta is one such cheese, Manouri another.

In chapter 2 why is katniss surprised when prim is chosen as tribute?

goat cheese

What is brown goat cheese made of?


What cheese is use in cheesecake?

Plain yogurt is made the exact same way, only they use low fat milk instead of full fat cream. It makes a great healthy version. Always remember, a good cheese cake always has lemon juice in it.