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God does exist whether you believe in Him or not. Examples are; the overwhelming proof against climate change and global warming, The Bible, mathematical equations that take you forever to work out and which go on forever eg. Fibonnaci, and the universe.

Believing in God changes your entire life, even if everything is going smoothly at the time. Think about it: what happens when you die? What happens to your soul? Does it just lie there in your coffin, or turn into a spirit? The Bible clearly states that those who believe in Him will live with him for eternity in heaven, and those who refuse to accept Him as the creator and saviour shall go to hell. It's not necesarrily the present that will be impact and only the present, it's the rest of Time, and you're life.

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Q: Does god exist whether you believe in god or not and how does believing in god change anything assuming things are fine the way they are?
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