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Well...I would have to go more in depth for you to understand. We are made in God's likeness and just like how we have a soul spirit and image(body), so does God! God's soul = the father, spirit = Holy Spirit, image = Jesus. The soul, spirit and body makes up one being, just like how our soul spirit and body make our being. If you didn't have the image(body) you wouldn't have any identity (if you know what i mean) and if you didn't have a soul you wouldn't have feelings, emotions etc etc. So nothing should lack. Still, your spirit is YOU, our image is YOU, and your soul is YOU. Same with God, His spirit is GOD, his image is GOD and his soul is GOD - and altogether they are God, just like your soul spirit image altogether is you. I hope you understand what I'm saying. So anyway, back to the question, if you mean that does Jesus look like the Father, no He doesn't. The Father (soul) is invisible. Collosians 1:15 "He is the image of the invisible God". Well I hope you have a better understanding of the trinity and of the image of God etc!


Yes, Jesus looks very much like God--on a spiritual level.

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Q: Does god look like jesus
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Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

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Jesus was entirely human like we are. He asked God for the abilities to do God-like things, but could not do them on his own. Arguably, Jesus had no qualities similar to God except for the qualities that we all have in common with God, which is determined by your beliefs. (This would include that we are made in the same image as God and we have all the emotions that God has). As far as divine power goes, Jesus had no abilities except for the ability to ask for God's help. The miracles he performed could be the only arguable God-like quality that Jesus had.

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God, or Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, and there are many similarities today with ancient Bethlehem. You can view the city today on internet.

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Judaism does not believe Jesus is the son of god or the messiah. Islam believes in Jesus, just that he is not the son of God but a prophet like Muhammad.

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Nobody really "made" Jesus, per se. It's can be confusing, but I will do my best to explain. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit are all one. I like to compare it to water. There is solid water (ice), liquid water, and snow. These forms of water look different, and yet they are the same. Jesus is God in human form. Jesus was birthed by the virgin Mary. God conceived Jesus in Mary's womb. //The bible tells us that Jesus was not created, He is eternal, no beginning and no end. He says 'Before Abraham, I was.//

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It depends on the religion. In Christianity, Jesus is considered God and not a prophet because he is an incarnation of God Himself. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be prophet and not God Himself because God is singular and does not have associates.