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No, it shouldn't.

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Q: Does going to gym stop growth of height?
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Does going to the gym and lifting weights stop height growth?


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Could i increase the height going to gym i am 20 and my hight is 5.3 i wana be 5.10?

No. going to the gym will not affect your height.

You are a 17-year-old boy your height is 6ft7inch and you are so thin please give you some health tips so that your height growth will stop and you become healthy can gym be useful for you?

There is no reason to want to stop growing. At age 17 I was 6ft9inches tall and skinny. I bulked up alot after going to the gym alot in college. I'm 7foot2inches tall now and 210 pounds which is still really light for someone that tall. If you want to gain weight I would recommend muscle building workouts at the gym.

It is said that joining a gym will stop the height of a 19 yr old boyhow true is this advice?

joining gym will not stop your height in fact your height will increase but remember dont pick up too much weight at your shoulders.chin up sets are good for height

If person who is less then18 go to the gym does it effect the height of that person?

Umm... No. Age has absolutely nothing to do with height. If you drank a few pots of coffee before going to the gym,...maybe.

Does gym affects growth of height?

i' m a doctor and it does affect height growth for it makes your muscles hard thus making your normal heigt growth slows down but masturbation will help to neutralize it. astilan dude hottttttt fffmmmmmmmmmm...... okiiiiiieeee.

Can a 15-year-old boy do practice in the gym or will it stop growth?

Lifting weights and doing cardio will never stop your growth it will actually help it. The hormone (GH) or Growth Hormone is produced from lifting weights because you are triggering the pituitary gland to produce the hormone from the exercise. Same goes with cardio. working out in the gym or running will not stunt your growth.

Could i increase the height going to gym i am 20 and my height is 5.3 i wana be 5.10?

as long as u dont go to the gym day after day and give ur body time to rest after each work out it will not affect your height when growing up.

Why does a girl stop you going to the elite in soul silver?

because you need all the gym badges

Is there any age limit to join a gym and does it effect our height growth?

People say that you should join the gym after your fully developed, around 18 years and older, but I'd say around 15-16 is fine

Can a 15 year old boy do practice in the gym or will it stop growth?

No, young teens (especially boys) are just beginning their growth. The practice will help make the teen a better, stronger person.