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Q: Does graphite react with propanone
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Why is ethanal can react with acidified potassium dichromate but propanone cannot?

because apparently, propanone is a ketone, and ketons do not have a hydrogen which could get oxidised, unlike aldehydes which do.

What is the reaction of graphite and water?

Nothing, It will sink but it won't react with water at room temperature. You have to heat graphite to something like 800 degrees Celsius to react with water at that temperature it will react with steam to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas.

What is the chemical reactivity of graphite?

Graphite has an extremely low reactivity. Graphite can react with oxygen and sulfuric acid.

what is the outcome of tollens reagent reacting with methanal, ethanol and propanone?

The outcome of the Tollens reagent reacting with methanal (formaldehyde), ethanol (ethyl alcohol), and propanone (acetone) is the formation of metallic silver (Ag) in the case of methanal, while ethanol and propanone do not show a significant reaction with Tollens reagent. Tollens reagent is used as a chemical test to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones, where aldehydes react to produce a silver mirror, while ketones do not react.

Which mineral would react to iron filling's- magnetite or graphite?

Magnetite- it is naturally magnetic. Graphite is carbon- non magnetic

Does graphite react with oxygen or air?

Yes, graphite reacts with oxygen but not at room temperature. The temperature has to be quite high ;)

What temperature does propanone freeze?

The freezing point of propanone is -94,7 oC.

Is propanone same as acetone?

Yes, propanone is acetone for all practical purposes.

How many atom are in propanone?

Acetone (propanone) is (CH3)2CO so 10.

Is propanone an alcohol?


What happens when propanone is reduced?

You usually reduce a ketone such as propanone using sodium borohydride to propanol.

What is the iupac name for ch3-co-ch3?

2-propanone. The oxygen is doube bonded to the second carbon.