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Q: Does ground nut seed give blue black colour with iodine solution?
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What color is starch with iodine solution?

it is a yellowish/orange colour but when iodine is present, than it will turn an dark-blue/black colour

What color gives if starch reacts with iodine?

When iodine reacts with starch, the solution will turn a brownish colour.

Why isn't starch present when colour is light brown?

The Iodine test uses Iodine solution, which is usually a brown colour. It is used to test for the presence of Starch. Iodine solution, iodine dissolved in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, reacts with starch producing a blue black color. If the sample being tested doesn't turn blue-black, then starch isn't present.

What is the purpose of adding iodine solution to the onion cell?

to check the approximatedly amount of starch in it since starch in reaction with iodine a black purple colour is formed

What happens when iodine is added to a starch solution?

When iodine is added to starch it turns a blackish color due to a chemical reaction.

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

The starch solution will turn black, while the distilled water will remain brown, the same colour as the iodine. This is actually because water, normally used as a control, does not contain any starch and as we know, the iodine test is highly specific for the presence of starch hence no colour change other than iodine dissolving in water to form an iodine solution contrary to starch which we know complexes with iodine, to form starch-iodine complex forming the blue-black colour observed

Why do you need to add iodine solution to a specimen?

Iodine solution is commonly used to test for starch. If starch is present in a substance (e.g. a leaf which undergone photosynthesis) then the iodien solution would turn blue black. If no starch is present then it remains as light brown.

What is the chemical test to confirm the presence of starch?

1. Place a small amount of starch powder in a test tube filled with cold water 2. Boil it to make a clear solution 3. Once the solution has cooled off, you should put 3 or 4 drops of iodine solution in it. 4. The solution should turn dark blue.

Will cooked rice turned dark blue with iodine solution?

Yes -cooked rice has starch present which is a natural indicator for Iodine

What is the colour of the nucleus that is stained with iodine?


Why does starch turn blue with iodine?

the iodine does not turn the starch black."The iodine clock reaction is based around the colour change that occurs when iodine reacts with starch, turning from a clear colour to a black-blue colour." (2) The starch allows the iodine and the iodide ions to bond, forming a triodide ion.I2(aq) + I−(aq) ⇌ I3−(aq)In this reaction, iodide is viewed as a base, and iodine is viewed as an acid.The iodine is a ligand and is surrounded by the starch,as for the colour change, that is due to the iodine absorbing all light wavelengths corresponding to colours, hence not letting any through, so what you are seeing when the solution is black, is the absence of light and colour alltogether,hope that helps

What is the color of iodine when mixed with rice?

Blue-Black colour.