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Group 2A elements tend to GAIN electrons!!

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Q: Does group 2A elements lose or gain protons or electrons?
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It is going to lose electrons

What happens if the elements have different protons and electrons?

A neutral atom of a chemical element has a constant number of protons and electrons; loss or gain of electrons transform this atom in an ion.After the change of the number of protons the identity of the atom is lost.

Which compounds are tetravalent?

Tetravalent means having 4 valence electrons. The elements in the 14th group are tetravalent. They do not lose or gain electrons. they gain electrons.

What tends to gain electrons?

Elements on the right of the periodic table but not in group 0/8 tend to gain electrons. Those in group 7 tend to gain 1 electron and those in group 6 tend to gain 2.

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

No. Atoms can gain and lose electrons but seldom gain or lose protons.

Do elements in group 7 gain electrons when they react?

Yes I think so

Elements in Group 16 of the periodic table usually?

Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Polonium =]

What group of elements gain two valence electrons when the atom form ionic bond?

Group 16 or the chalcogens.

Which of the general statements below is true about main group group A elements?

Main group elements within a column tend to gain or lose the same number of electrons................A+

Determine the typical charge for an atom?

An atom is always neutrally charged, with equal numbers of protons and electrons. As soon as elements lose or gain electrons, they become ions.

What element group gains or shares 1 electrons?

Elements in group 7A can only gain or share 1 electron.

What group does not want to gain or lose electrons?

As a general rule, the noble gases do not lose or gain valence electrons because in most reactions they are considered inert.