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Q: Does group translocation requires energy
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Where does the energy for translocation come from?

The energy for translocation in cells usually comes from ATP (adenosine triphosphate) hydrolysis. ATP is a molecule that stores and transfers energy in cells. When ATP is hydrolyzed, it releases energy that can be used to power various cellular processes, including translocation of molecules or ions across cellular membranes.

When adding or taking away a phosphate group when is energy released and required?

when you add a phosphate group it requires energy

Which group requires the highest ionization energy?

noble gases

What can cause genes to move from one linkage group to another?


What age group requires more energy?

Young adults(19-29 years)

What is another word for translocation?

Leaching is another word for translocation.

What is transfer of genes between nonhomologous chromosomes?


What occurs when a segment breaks of chromosome breaks off and reattaches to another chromosome?


A mutation caused by a piece of DNA breaking away from its chromosome and becoming attached to a nonhomologous chromosome is called?

This condition is referred to as chromosomal translocation.

Why is energy required for translocation in plants?

its necessary bcuz If there is no translocation in plants, they would not be able to obtain the nutrients such as water and minerals they need in order to manufacture food. Also if translocation didn't occur the food manufactured by the leaves would not be received by other parts of the plant.

Prosses that requires cellular energy?

photosynthesis requires cellular energy

How does translocation of bacteria occur in gut?

Bacteria can translocate from the gut to other parts of the body when the intestinal barrier is compromised, allowing bacteria to cross into the bloodstream. This can happen due to conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, radiation therapy, or severe trauma. Once in the bloodstream, bacteria can cause infections in other organs and tissues.