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If stored improperly it can, but if it hasn't been opened, the container is intact and has be stored properly then it should not have "gone off" without having been opened and mixed.

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Q: Does grout go off when not opened?
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Can you use goof off to clean grout?

Goof Off can be used to clean grout. Grout is one of the many items that is listed on the back of the bottle.

What is the best way to spread tile grout?

You need a float brush and grout. You want to make sure you have the right kind of grout. For example, you might want a sanded grout for larger grout spaces. Apply the grout with the float at a 45 degree angle, wiping as much off as you go. After it sets, use a sponge to wipe the haze from the tiles.

Can you use plaster instead of grout?

Yes - but you are always best off removing a large portion of the old grout before re-grouting. After letting the new grout dry for 48 hours, consider using a grout sealer to make it last longer.

How to repair white grout in shower?

First you need to remove the damaged grout. Do this by using an old (or cheap!) flat head screwdriver to scrape and dig out the loose grout. Vacuum or brush away any dust. Mix grout mix and latex filler (to make it hard and more water proof) and fill in the spaces. Smooth the grout and then sponge off the excess that is on the tile. Allow to dry for a day and then wipe off again.

Why does the alarm go off when the door is opened on a pt crusier?

Because that is its job and that is what it will do.

What is a cheap chemical that is good for cleaning grout and tile?

How do I go about doing my own grout and tile cleaning? I need a cheap chemical.

How do you clean the white grout in a shower without harming the grout in any way?

AnswerMix up a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water. Best to use a paintbrush or something similar to paint the paste onto the grout. Leave for a few hours and then wash off. Grout should be sparkling white. For really stubborn stains, use the same paste on a soft toothbrush and some old fashioned elbow grease.There is a product from Australia that is a broom on mop off grout cleaner no nasties

How often should you seal your shower grout?

The gaps found between most tile work are called grout lines. After the tile was set those voids or gaps should have been grouted. Luckily it is never too late to apply the grout. You can get a small box of tile grout from any hardware shore. It's real easy to apply. Just follow the instructions on the box.

How do you get red nail polish off the tile floor and grout?

nail polish remover

When you installed the grout after pressing all the seams your son cleaned up for you he used a rag mop and ended up with low spots can you just wet it and go over it again 0 in to 1 8 in to level it?

It depends on the type of grout you used. Typical cement-based grouts cannot adhere to existing grout in lines of less than 1/8" deep, and it's advisable to remove all the grout and do over. If your grout is an epoxy-based grout, or some varieties of pre-mixed grout, it might be possible. Check the label to see if it adheres to existing grout, and at what thickness.

Tile Grout?

form_title= Tile Grout form_header= Give your home a face lift with new tile grout! Do you want to install new grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure Do you want to clean out old grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure What color do you want the grout?*= _ [50] How old is the grout in your home? *= _ [50]

What type of grout for bathroom tiles?

if your grout line is less than 1/4" you use smooth grout, above that you use sanded grout.