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Not when your body is neutraly charged, when you come in contact with a negitively charged object, the electrons move into you and the object.

The reason your hair stands up is the electrons try to get away from each other and stands of hair are perfect.

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Q: Does hair contain static electrity
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Related questions

When is the buildup of static electrity indoors usually greatest?

in very dry conditions

How can electrity be produced?

walk across a carpet and drag your feet in your socks and touch metal and you will produce static electricity and get a shock.

How is lightning related to electrity?

Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. protons, and electrons

What are questions for static electrity to do research on?

How are electrons transferred between objects? What makes an object capable of carrying a charge? What happens to the electricity after it's discharged?

The portion of the bony labyrinth responsible for static equilibrium is the?

saccule and utricle in the vestibule of the inner ear are responsible for static equilibrium. They contain sensory hair cells that detect the position of the head in relation to gravity.

What causes static elec in your hair?

Static electricity in hair occurs when the hair strands become charged with static electricity, usually due to friction caused by brushing, combing, or rubbing against fabric. The charge buildup causes hair strands with similar charges to repel each other, leading to the characteristic frizzy and flyaway appearance of static hair. Using a moisturizing hair product or an anti-static spray can help reduce the effects of static electricity in hair.

Does hair color affect balloon static electricity?

Hair color itself does not affect balloon static electricity. The static electricity created when rubbing a balloon on hair is due to the friction between the two materials, not the color of the hair.

Why is your hair sticking to your hair brush with static?

because when your hair gets static from like a trampoline it sticks to a lot of things so this is nothing to worry about if your hair is sticking to your brush just wet it or wash it to get the static down. THANKS :P

Why does hair get static?

Hair gets static when it becomes charged with static electricity due to factors like dry air, friction from combing or brushing, or wearing materials like hats or scarves that can generate static. This causes individual strands of hair to repel each other, creating a flyaway and frizzy appearance. Adding moisture or using anti-static products can help reduce static in hair.

What is a sentence for static?

The static electricity made my hair stand on end.

How do you get rid of hair static?

To reduce hair static, you can try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, using a leave-in conditioner or hair oil to hydrate your hair, and avoiding over-brushing your hair. You can also lightly spritz your hair with water or a static-reducing spray.

Does brushing your hair create static electricity?

Brushing your hair can create static electricity, especially if your hair is dry or if the brush is made of a material that promotes friction. The friction between the brush and your hair can cause electrons to be transferred, resulting in a build-up of static charge on your hair.