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Your nose has a defense mechanism that protects against pathogens: hair and mucus. The hair in your nostrils helps catch airborne bacteria as you breathe in and out of your nose. The mucus passes through the hair in your nostrils, and then, when you blow your nose, the mucus contains pathogens that make you sick. This is not a 100% effective system, because people get sick all the time.

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It stops dirt and other particles that you can breathe in that can damage your lungs.

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12y ago

stops dust and bacteria getting into the nose so it cant enter the lungs.

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Q: Does hair in nose help prevent infection?
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Why don't donkeys have hair around their noses?

genetics just like why we don't have hair on our feet or teeth or to get more technical because if they had hair on their nose it would block their senses. we have hair inside our nose to prevent infection. maybe you have to look at things like why don't horses or dogs....

What is hair under the nose called not mustache?

The hair that grows under the nose is called the nasal hair. The function of the nasal hair is to prevent foreign particles and insects from entering the nose.

If you had a cut on the nose would it heal?

Yes. keep the wound clean to prevent infection.

Why is there hair on your nose?

because there just is to help your nose not to get bacteria\cooties\germs

What is a function of the hair inside the nose?

the function of the hair prent in our nose is to prevent the dust particles to enter our lungs.That is hy e say that e should breath through our nose not by mouth.

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What is the function of the hair?

Hair is a layer of protection on your body. For instance, your nose hairs prevent foreign objects from entering your body.

What are the potential medical risks of using a nose hair trimmer?

The potential medical risks of nose hair trimmers include injury and infection. Make sure you follow the directions and clean after each use. Potential medical risks from nose hair trimmers include infection and injury to toe nasal cavity. Make sure you clean the trimmer as per the manufacturers guidelines.

How does a nose guard help protect the front of a skateboard?

it helps it keep the nose kick on your board prevent from breaking

How do the hair inside your nose help us?

It filters the air for respiration.

Can you put anything on the inside of your freshly pierced fishtail nose stud to support it?

You have to keep this piercing very clean, to prevent infection,so you should not put anything in your nose.

How do you get staph infections?

Staph infection is spread like any other infection, by bacteria. It enters your body though cuts or your nose or mouth. Washing your hand is the key to prevent it.