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Q: Does halls make breezers that are cough drops?
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Can I take cough drops when taking flagel with no side effects?

Can I take cough drops with menthol in them and Flagyl - there is menthol in the cough drops. Menthol is perhaps alcohol? Flagyl and alcohol make you vomit badly.

can i make lean with cough drops?


Can you make lean with cough drops?

Yes rather with Sprite (Sprite and Cough Drops.) If used any other soda drink/ soft drink your heart will stop.

Can you die from eating too many cough drops?

There are a lot of unknown variables in the question to give a really good answer. If you are talking about over the counter regular cough drops that are not medicated, then if you are otherwise healthy (e.g., not a diabetic), a whole box would be no more deadly than eating a lot of candy. You probably would get a sore tongue from the hard candy.If, however, they are medicated cough drops, then you would need to follow the label directions on how many you should use in a given time period.

How do you use sage for a cough?

You can make a simple sugar syrup by adding sugar to water and boiling and add powdered sage to it. The related link tell how to make sage cough drops.

Is it bad to eat A LOT of cough drops?

I think that its ok, it will just make your pee a different color.

Can one cough drop be toxic for dogs?

cough drops can be very harmfull to a dog ecause of the chemicals in them. couh drops can very easily get into there blood stream and make them tired drowsy and have the runs ALL THE TIME

Would a butter menthol make good eye drops?

a butter menthol is a cough lolly not a liguid you put in your eye

Is horehound found in today's medicine?

Horehound _Marrubium vulgare -is sill used in some cough syrups and humbug candies. Those of us who make our own cough drops also use it.

Do cough drops have alcohol in them?

-i think just sugar alcohol that is non addictive - its probably better to ask a doctor because the back of my cough drop package(over the counter menthol cough drops) say for under 3 years ask a doctor, so there may be some type of alchohal in it.

How do you make Fishermans friends cough drops taste like cucumbers?

Put Fishermans friend cough drop in water for 1-2 min. Then scrape off the outside ( like peeling a cucumber ) . After that, add salt and it will taste like a cucumber

How do you sing with a cough?

You really can't because your voice will be all scratchy and it will hurt a lot. But if you have to sing with a cough, I suggest first drinking lots of fluids, (ex. tea, water). Also, take some medicine for a cough or sore throat, cough drops, or anything like that. Another thing to make me talk better while I have a cough or sore throat is to take a shower or a bath, it makes my voice better for about 2-3 hours afterward.