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Q: Does he like you if he does not respond to your text messages but shows up at your office?
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Why do a lot of Turkish girls not respond to Facebook messages?

The reason a lot of Turkish girls won't respond to messages on Facebook is because they do not like the person or the messages they are receiving. -- It has nothing to do with them being Turkish per se. Most girls behave this way.

Why she does not respond to your messages?

Well, I am assuming that she won't respond to your messages or letters or whatever, because she doesn't feel right talking to you. Maybe you asked a question she wasn't prepared for or said something that she wasn't prepared for. Or maybe you're worrying for nothing and she won't answer you because she's busy. Or maybe she won't respond because she has something on her mind and doesn't remember to respond to you. And maybe she doesn't like you anymore. But that's probably not the case, could be, but maybe not Answer Maybe she's not getting the messages for some reason.

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You will need to come up with one that speaks to the group. Do your research to find out what kinds of things they like and would respond to.

What is the study of how messages effect people?

The study of how messages affect people is called communication theory. It examines how individuals interpret and respond to different types of messages, and explores factors like language, culture, and context that influence communication outcomes. Communication theory helps us understand the complexities of human interaction and the impact of messages on individuals and society.

Where can you watch the office u.s.a?

The TV series ran from 2005 to 2013. Shows are available on outlets like amazon, but you are going to have to pay to view the shows.

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NBC is a TV station that makes shows, has news, airs other shows, and much more. NBC made popular shows like "The office," "Scrubs", and "30 Rock"

How can I resolve an Unlicensed Product error in OfficeSometimes we are getting this type of error code message like Office unlicensed product?

Unlicensed product messages are very common to have, if your product is expired or if you forgot to renew it on time. Let us explain in what cases do you see these unlicensed related messages first. If a user has Office 365 subscription, in case of the auto-renewal option is disabled, the office products shows the unlicensed messages if the renewal is not done on time. source: officeonlinechat

Can you chat on

You can leave messages for each other, like a forum, but you can't 'chat', like MSN, etc. But there is a Community Forum (look for the link under "My Pages" on the left) where there are usually people who are ready to respond and talk.

What does it mean if a girl laughs when you talk to her and puts X's and 'i love u' at the end of conversations and text messages but when you tell her you like her she doesn't say it back or respond?

girls use X's and 'I luv u' to everyone.

Does Justin bieber write back on facebook?

Justin Bieber has a large fan base and may not respond to individual messages on Facebook due to the high volume of messages he likely receives. It is always worth a try to message him, but chances of a response may be low.

What should you do if someone you like doesn't respond to your text messages?

depends how long its been call them if its important!

What does it mean if the guy is avoiding your messages and you?

If a guy is consistently avoiding your messages, it may indicate that he is not interested in engaging with you or maintaining communication. It is important to respect his boundaries and not force him to respond if he is choosing not to. It may be best to move on and focus your attention on someone who is willing to reciprocate your interest and effort in communication.