

Does heavier object fall faster

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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All objects fall at the same speed (unless they are very wide, like a piece of paper, and then they may be help up by the air).

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Q: Does heavier object fall faster
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What was Aristotle's theory about gravity?

aristotle's theiry of gravity was the heavier the object the faster it will fall.

Why does a heavier object fall with the same accelerate as a lighter object?

all objects have a terminal velocity once youu reach terminal velocity you can not fall any faster

Does lighter objects fall down faster then heavier objects?

No lighter things do not fall faster than heavier things. In a vacuum they will fall at the same speed. Normally the heavier thing will fall down faster because of its weight. Sometimes the lighter thing falls faster depending on the air resistance.

When does the mass and or size of an object affect the time of its free fall?

if an object is lightr it will fall slower because gravity wont take it down as fast if it is heavier it will make the gravity pull it down faster

When does mass cause an object to fall faster?

Mass does not cause an object to fall faster.

Do heavier objects fall faster or slower than light one?

Without air resistance, heavier and lighter object fall at the same speed. More precisely, they accelerate at the same speed - near Earth's surface that would be 9.8 meters/second2. If air resistance is significant, heavier objects tend to have less air resistance, compared to their weight, so they will usually fall faster.

Why do heavier objects fall faster then lighter objects?

Heavier objects have more gravitational pull on them

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What are aristotles three laws of motion?

* Nothing moves unless you push it. * Heavier things fall faster, proportional to their weight. * The speed of fall of a given object depends inversely on the density of what it is falling through.

Why are bowling balls heavy?

So the ball can pick up more speed. For example, if you drop a feather on the ground, it takes a longer time to fall than a heavier object, such as a notepad. A bowling ball is heavier to gain speed faster.

The force of gravity on a 4kg object is twice that on a 2kg object Why does the 4kg object not fall with twice the accleration?

The reason that a heavier object does not fall faster even though there is more gravitational force on it is because it has more mass, and more energy is required to accelerate the greater mass. A small mass doesn't need a lot of force on it to accelerate it. It's "light" in weight. But a heavier one needs more force on it to accelerate it equally. Want a heavier object to accelerate the same as a lighter one? Apply more force. Gravity does that. Automatically. Think it through and it will lock in.

Why do objects all fall at the same time when gravity is the only force acting?

-- Because that's the way gravity behaves. -- Because is would be ridiculous to think that heavy objects fall faster. Here's why: ==> Let's say that heavy objects fall faster and light objects fall slower. ==> Take a piece of sticky tape and stick a light object onto the back of a heavy object. Then drop them together off of a roof. ==> The light object tries to fall slower and holds back, and the heavy object tries to fall faster and pulls forward. So when they're stuck together, they fall at some in-between speed. ==> But wait! When they're stuck together they weigh more than the heavy object alone. So how can a stuck-together object that's heavier than the heavy object alone fall at a speed that's slower than the heavy object alone ? ! ? Isn't that ridiculous ? There's no way that heavy objects can fall faster than light objects.