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Q: Does helium make your vocal cords tighten?
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What is tightening the vocal cords?

Tightening of the vocal cords is also known as vocal cord dysfunction (VCD). This is a condition in which the muscles of the vocal cords tighten and this can make breathing difficult. It is caused by an autoimmune disorder.

Has a giraffe got vocal cords?

Yes, giraffes have vocal cords and can make sounds.

How do you make your voice squeaky with a balloon?

The change in voice is caused by the helium allowing the vocal cords to vibrate differently in the lighter gas.

Do female frogs have vocal cords?

they don't sing like male frogs do if that's what you're asking

Do foxes have vocal cords?

Yes. Foxes do have vocal cords. how else would the bark or make noise?

Why giraffes makes no sound?

Giraffes have no vocal cords, hence they do not make any sound.

What does vocalizations mean?

Vocal Inflection helps with voice acting such as radio commercials and voice overs. Vocal Inflection as 4 parts: Tempo, Quality, Pitch, and Volume.

How do the vocal cords make sound for speaking and singing?

You tighten the muscles pulling on them as you exhale, so that they "hum" as you breath out. To make speech or song you use your mouth and tongue as an echo chamber to shape the hum into words or notes. If you hum with your mouth closed you'll hear what the vocal cords can do alone.

What causes the vocal cords to make sounds?

they vibrate..

How is the sound in your voice produced?

The vocal cords stretch across the opening of the larynx, when you speak muscles make the vocal cords contract, narrowing opening as air rushes through, movement of the vocal cords makes molecules vibrate.

Why does your voice change when you suck in helium?

Helium causes your vocal cords to tighten up. This makes your voice go up in pitch. Helium is a harmless gas. It is often used in deep sea diving, which makes the aquanauts living in undersea laboratories sound like Donald Duck. Also, it's fun to do at parties to make it seem likes there a mouse around. I did it once and I laughed my butt off. XD

Why do arctic stotes make no sound?

Because they have no vocal cords.