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Q: Does herpes-virus cause uti's
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Can Men cause women to have UTI?

UTIs are not contagious.

What is the cause of mononucleosis?

The causative organism is a herpesvirus known as Epstein-Barr virus.

Is mononucleosis in any way related to herpes?

Mononucleosis is caused by a herpesvirus called Epstein-Barr virus. There are many herpesvirus and they each cause different things. Epstein-Barr can not cause a cold sore or genital herpes.

Can antibiotics cause uti?

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria. Antibiotics kill bacterial infections, not cause them. Antibiotics are used to treat UTIs, and in no way can cause them, since they kill bacteria that cause the infection to begin with.

What is the microorganism name for a female UTI?

There are a number of bacteria that can cause UTIs. E. coli is the most common cause.

If your husband is taking an atibiotic can it give you a UTI?

Antibiotics don't cause UTIs, and they are not contagious.

Can guys get utis?

Yes, men can get UTIs.

What is Human herpesvirus 8 also called?

Also called Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus

Can UTIs cause septicaemia?

Yes, particularly in infants or immunocompromised people. It's not a common complication.

Can a woman give a man a UTI?

UTIs are not contagious. They are typically caused by bacteria that normally live in the digestive tract without causing symptoms, but make their way to the urinary tract and cause disease. While sexually transmissible infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, and herpes can cause symptoms similar to those of bladder infections, these are not normally referred to as UTIs. However, if your question is "can a woman give a man a germ that causes burning when he urinates," the answer is yes.

Would someone use a speedicath?

Liberator medical thinks so, the company that markets it. When the number of UTIs rise the number of sales will go down because this device is likely to cause staph UTIs.

Will UTIs prevent you from becoming pregnant?

No, UTIs do not affect fertility.