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Q: Does high cholesterol affect your testosterone?
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Is testosterone a derivative from cholesterol?

Yes, cholesterol is important in the synthesis of sex hormones.

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The male sex hormone testosterone and the female sex hormone estrogen are steroids.

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Testosterone is produced by the zona reticularis in the adrenal cortex, where a slightly different synthetic route occurs to produce testosterone from cholesterol: cholesterol to pregnenolone, to 17-a-hydroxypregnenolone, to 5-dehydroepiandosterone or DHEA, to androstenediol, to testosterone

Does age affect high cholesterol?

The chances of developing high cholesterol increase after the age of 45

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high cholesterol

What are symptoms of high cholesterol and how does it affect heart health?

High cholesterol sypmtoms can be feeling groggy and tired all the time, headaches, and high blood pressure... high cholesterol can take a major toll on the heart and lead to more problems.

What is a starting substance for making hormones estrogen and testosterone?
