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Q: Does highlighting in a test really help you study?
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If you are psychic you are psychic and there really is no way to read up on it or study. Being psychic is a feeling and a instinct and no quiz will really tell you if you are psychic.

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Study really hard.

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you have to study really hard

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Not really, its just like a test in school.

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May u help me answer my question please i really need help cause i need it so i can study for my test in school. (Where does the oldest form of writing come from)

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you study really hard

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How hard or easy is the Apex final test?

Apex questions could be easy. It depends on what school you are going to. Sometimes the study guides don't help you so you have to look up some answers online. TSTs (Teacher Scored Test) are usually straight forward and easy to answer. The CSTs (Computer Scored Test) are usually multiple choice and most answers you could find on the Internet, but make sure you print out the study guide for the final exam!

How do you study for a theatre test in social studies?

Here are some good links to help you learn to study!