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Yes, a circumflex.

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5d ago

No, the word "hommage" does not have any grammatical accents in French. It is written as "hommage" without any accents.

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Q: Does homage have any grammatical accents in French?
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Does the french language have any accents on them?


How do you type french accents with an Hp laptop?

The alt keys plus numbers can make French accents on any laptop, including an HP. For example, alt + 147 brings up an accented O.

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The English word homage is pronounced HOM-ij.In the context of films, it may be pronounced in the French manner (approximately om-AHZH), especially if you are talking about homage to a film director whom you describe as an auteur. However, in any other context such a pronunciation would be pretentious, and even in a cinematic context it should be used sparingly.

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After your first Rosetta Stone lesson for French you have the French accent but of a different region-does this mean you are of French descent even though you don't know your parents nationality?

there are lots of French accents, just as English ones. The fact your way of speaking matches one of them doesn't mean you are of French descent, and the fact you speak without any hint of French accent doesn't mean that you are not of French descent.

How do you type french accents with a laptop?

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Does Debby Ryan have any other accents?

yes, she has. she come from texas

If there any grammar errors in this sentence?

You didn't provide a sentence for me to check for grammar errors. Please provide a sentence for review.