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No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

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Q: Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?
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Does your home owners insurance cover damage to neighbors car due to high wind?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance will not cover windstorm damages to your neighbors vehicle because you are not liable for acts of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle.

Will homeowners insurance cover the damages to a uninsured vehicle on the property?

No, homeowners insurance excludes vehicles.

Is a utility vehicle cover by homeowners?

No. It needs it's own separate insurance. Homeowners insurance excludes vehicles.

Does homeowners insurance cover stolen uninsured vehicle?

It depends, You do no mention what type of vehicle. Homeowners insurance polices will not cover damage or theft of a motor vehicle designed for use on public roads.

Does homeowners insurance cover a garage door that was hit be a friends vehicle and his vehicle?

Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.

Can an automobile stay in a homeowners lot with out insurance?

Yes but there is no coverage for the vehicle under the homeowners policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle stolen off your property?

No, That's what Auto Insurance is for.

Does home insurance cover vehicle damage from roof tiles?

NO, Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles.

Does home insurance cover damaged items in car or auto insurance?

Yes, you are correct. Items in your vehicle that are damaged in an accident or fire or whatever are not covered by you auto insurance unless they are part of your vehicle. The alternative is that they are covered on your homeowners insurance. The downfall to this is that you will have a deductible on your homeowners insurance that you will have to meet first.

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle if it got hailed on while on the property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Hail damage to an Automobile.Hail damage to an automobile is covered by the vehicles Auto insurance policy. Vehicles are not scheduled property on a homeowners policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover car stereo equipment bein stored in a garage that is not in the vehicle that has been stolen?

Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles nor there parts.

Does homeowners insurance cover auto damage to non-owners vehicle your property by someone hitting a pole?

Of course NOT. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accidents. That's what Auto Insurance is for.