


Homeowner's Insurance

Homeowner's insurance is a kind of property insurance, which offers both property and liability coverage. Here, a single premium covers all risks. It applies to private homes and requires that at least one of the insured occupies the home.

3,364 Questions

Will allstate drop if you had hail damage and flood damage with a year?

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It is possible for Allstate to drop you if you make multiple claims for hail and flood damage within a year. Insurance companies may view frequent claims as a higher risk and may choose to terminate coverage. It would be best to check with Allstate directly to understand their specific policy on claim history.

Are you liable if your tree causes a power surge inside your house after rubbing a power line in the yard?

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As a homeowner, you may be liable if your tree causes damage to power lines on your property, including power surges in your house. It is important to regularly maintain trees near power lines to prevent potential hazards like power surges. You may need to contact both your insurance provider and the utility company to address the damage and any potential liability issues.

Will homeowners insurance cover a cracked foundation caused by an earthquake?

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Typically, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage to a foundation caused by earthquakes. You would need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or rider to have coverage for this type of damage.

Why would securing gas appliances such as a furnace or a stove make your home earthquake safe?

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Securing gas appliances helps prevent gas leaks during an earthquake, reducing the risk of fire or explosion. This can protect your home and occupants from harm and mitigate potential damages caused by the earthquake. Additionally, securing these appliances can minimize the need for repairs or replacements after the event, making your home safer and more resilient in the long run.

How does state farm insurance define natural cause?

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State Farm Insurance defines a natural cause as an event or disaster that occurs without human intervention or involvement, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or lightning strikes. These events are considered to be beyond human control and are typically covered under their insurance policies.

Does homeowner's insurance cover land erosion?

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Homeowner's insurance typically does not cover land erosion or damage caused by it. This is considered a natural process and is usually excluded from coverage. It's important to check your policy or consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific details of your coverage.

Does homeowners insurance cover earthquakes?

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In general, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover earthquakes. However, you may be able to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy to provide coverage for earthquake-related damages to your home and belongings.

How can you determine if the foundation of your house is settling?

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Asked by Diannedodge

Signs of settling foundation may include cracks in walls or floors, uneven floors, sticking doors or windows, or gaps around doors or windows. A professional inspection by a structural engineer or foundation specialist can confirm if settling is occurring.

If underground valves in a sprinklerr system burst and caused a lot of cracking in the walls will the insurance comapny pay for the cosmetic work to repair the walls and a soil test?

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Most homeowner's insurance policies cover damage caused by burst pipes, including repairs to walls. However, coverage may vary, and it's essential to verify with your insurance company what is included in your policy. A soil test may not be covered under standard policies unless it is directly related to the damage caused by the burst pipes.

Does homeowners insurance cover foundation cracks caused by soil expansion?

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Homeowners insurance typically does not cover foundation cracks caused by soil expansion. This type of damage is usually considered a maintenance issue rather than a sudden or accidental event. It's important to regularly inspect and maintain your home's foundation to prevent potential issues from occurring.

Circuit breaker trip cause smoke will homeowner insurance pay for it?

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Homeowner insurance typically covers damages caused by a circuit breaker trip, including any resulting smoke damage, as long as the damage was not intentional or due to negligence. It is important to review your specific policy coverage and consult with your insurance provider for more information.

How can you tell if your roof is damaged because of a hail storm?

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You can look for signs such as dented metal vents or gutters, cracked or missing shingles, and granules from the shingles accumulating in the gutters. It's also a good idea to have a professional roofing inspection to assess any damage accurately.

Why does an overloaded electric circuit catch fire?

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An overloaded electric circuit can catch fire because the excess current produces heat, which can ignite nearby insulation or materials. This can lead to a short circuit or an electrical arc that can cause a fire. It is important to avoid overloading circuits to prevent this risk.

Has anyone had a pool collapse from the weight of snow-how do you get your insurance to cover it?

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If your pool collapses due to the weight of snow, you should contact your insurance provider immediately to file a claim. Make sure to provide documentation such as photos of the damage and any necessary repair estimates. Your insurance policy may cover the damage depending on the terms of your policy and the cause of the collapse.

Your new condo roof is leaking due to snow and ice Is it covered?

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Typically, a standard homeowner's insurance policy may cover damage from roof leaks caused by snow and ice. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific policy and the cause of the damage. It's important to review your policy and contact your insurance provider to determine if you are covered for this situation.

What criteria are used for determining ocean zones?

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Ocean zones are determined based on depth and distance from the shore. The main criteria used are the amount of light that penetrates the water, temperature, and the presence of marine life. These criteria help scientists classify the ocean into distinct zones like the sunlight zone, twilight zone, and midnight zone.

Will geico pay for car damages struck by a lightning?

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Geico typically covers car damages caused by lightning under comprehensive coverage, assuming you have this coverage on your policy. Comprehensive coverage protects against non-collision events, such as fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters like lightning strikes. It's recommended to check your policy details or contact Geico to confirm coverage.

Is ADT Security a good company to work for?

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ADT Security is a reputable company, known for its commitment to home security services. Job satisfaction can vary based on individual experiences, so it's a good idea to research employee reviews and company culture to determine if it's a good fit for you.

How do trees keep the air clean?

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Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which can contribute to air pollution. Additionally, trees can capture and filter particulate matter and other pollutants from the air through their leaves and bark.

What was the date of the hail storm in Aurora Colorado?

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I do not have real-time information on specific events like the date of a hail storm in Aurora, Colorado. I recommend checking local news sources or official weather reports for up-to-date information on the hail storm in Aurora.

If when I obtained my equity loan from Wells Fargo my house wasn't in a flood zone now they are saying that FEMA is reporting that my home is now in a flood zone do I have to get flood coverage?

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Yes, if FEMA now considers your home to be in a flood zone, your lender may require you to obtain flood insurance as a condition of your equity loan. It's important to check with your lender and insurance provider to understand your specific requirements and options. Flood insurance is typically required for properties in high-risk flood zones to protect both you and the lender in case of flood damage.

What does ADT College stand for?

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ADT College stands for "Advanced Design and Technology College."

Will home insurance cover lightning striking air conditioner unit?

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Yes, most home insurance policies would typically cover damage resulting from lightning striking an air conditioner unit as long as it is a covered peril in the policy. It's important to review your policy to understand the specific coverage and any limitations that may apply.

Should NC help homeowners in the barrier islands that are vulnerable to storms rebuild after one?

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Yes, it is important for North Carolina to assist homeowners in barrier islands vulnerable to storms to rebuild after one, as they are at high risk of devastation. Providing financial assistance, infrastructure improvements, and guidance on resilient building practices can help mitigate future damage and protect the safety and livelihoods of residents in these areas.

What damage can a hail storm do?

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A hail storm can cause damage to vehicles, roofs, crops, and windows. The size of the hailstones can determine the extent of the damage, with larger hailstones causing more severe damage. In extreme cases, hailstorms can also pose a threat to people and animals caught outside during the storm.