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When your fingers prune, The cells are actually swelling unevenly. This is called a "hypotonic solution" The cells are taking in so much water that they will swell, causing the pruning. :)

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9y ago

Only if you stay in the water for too long, otherwise it wouldn't do so.

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Q: Does hot water make your skin wrinkley?
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Does hot water make you have sunburn?

No hot water wont give you a sunburn but it sure will burn you! Sunburn is caused by overexposure to the sun's or a tanning bed's ultraviolet rays. Hot water will make a sunburn "burn" if you take a hot shower after getting a sunburn.

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you can add tooth paste to your stain then wash of with hot water then you moisturiser to make your skin smooth.

What can hot water do to the scalp if it is not tested by hand first?

Excessively hot water can scald your skin, no matter where that skin is. A scald is a burn caused by hot liquids.

Does a cold bath get skin lighter?

Yes, because when it's hot, the steam starts to apply on your skin and makes it darker. When-for cold water, exfulliates your skin to make it ligher!

Why a lot of hot water is pour onto skin will causes more painful compare to less hot water?

Because the water is hot!

Can the water from your shower be harmful to your skin?

It depends on the temperature of the water. If it's too hot then it can burn skin.

Why is hot water more effective in cleaning the body?

Because hot water kills some of the bacterias that you will have on your skin or in your hair.

Is ice water is hot or not?

Ice water is not hot: it's temperature has an effect on the nerves in your skin that gives a similar sensation as burning.

Why does bubble bath harm skin?

By takening a bubble bath shouldn't really harm skin; but, its never good if the water is hot and and your in it for a good couple of hours. It could leave marks on your skin, make your skin very dry or faky. So might I suggest for any who love to take bubble baths make sure the water is about warm or cool.

Why is hot water white and cold water clear?

Typically, if you have hot water that is white, you have a water softener in your home. The water softener adds a small quantity of salt to the water to make it feel softer to the skin. This tends to break down some of the minerals in the water and also make it less likely to etch glasses in a dishwasher. The water softener is typically not plumbed into the cold water, and this is why the cold water remains clear.

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What is a hot water burn?

A hot water burn is when the water touches your skin, seeps under with burning liquid. After it seeps under your skin it starts to turn your skin into a hot molt of skin. It burns for a long while I suggest waiting ten twenty minutes of barley putting ice on it then put pain reliever and a band-aid on then if 1st degree it will go away in a few days.]