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Q: Does ibilex 500 make you drowsy?
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What is IBILEX 500 for?

IBILEX is used to treat infections in different parts of the body caused by bacteria. It can be used to treat infections of the: * throat, tonsils, chest and lungs (respiratory tract) * nose (sinusitis) * ears (otitis media) * skin * bladder and kidneys (urinary tract). IBILEX is an antibiotic that belongs to a group of medicines called cephalosporins. These medicines work by killing the bacteria that are causing your infection. IBILEX will not work against infections caused by viruses, such as colds or flu. IBILEX is available only with a doctor's prescription.

Will flucloxacillin make you drowsy?

Taking it now and it does seem to make me drowsy

Does brompheniramine maleate make you drowsy?

Acetaminophen shouldn't make you drowsy, but the chlorphenamine might make you drowsy, as most antihistamines will.

What does non drowsy mean?

Non drowsy means that it doesn't make you sleepy

Do energy drinks make you drowsy?

an energy drink can make you drowsy but that's only if you burn of some energy but it would be hard to believe that it eould make you drowsy by its self.... i guess it depends on how much you have had

Does aspirins make you drowsy?

no not at all

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Will bute make your horse drowsy?

It can.

Does galpseud make up drowsy?

Galpseud will not make you drowsy. Galpseud is known to cause restlessness and difficult to sleep. It can also cause hallucinations.

Does omega 3 make you drowsy?

No; it shouldn't.

Are there any bug bite that make you drowsy?

Bug bites should not make the victim drowsy. This can be a very bad sign which could lead to organ failure.

Why does cold medicine make your drowsy?

The anti-histamines make you drowsey