

Does ice carry germs

Updated: 9/28/2023
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8y ago

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Ice can carry germs.

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Q: Does ice carry germs
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Flies have a sticky substance in their legs, so when they sit on dirty things, because of sticky substance , germs get sticked to their legs and in this way , they carry germs

Do flies carry germs?

Yes. It is about 77% of germs

Is ice germ free?

No, if the water that was used to make up the ice contained germs then the ice will still contain these germs - freezing does not kill germs it simply stops them multiplying

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White blood cells fight germs and red blood cells carry oxygen.

Does ice cream hold germs?

any type of food can have bacteria and germs on it. I mean, its food. it's ice cream, not honey. its not gonna keep forever. It wilol continue to have germs and bacteria on it until its gone.

Can you transfer germs if you pick up ice cubes with bare hands and put them in a drink?

It is possible. The ice melts in your hands, and if your hands are dirty, the melting ice may wash the germs into the drink.

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chicken pox..

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Is eating bugs bad?

yes bugs carry germs and some bugs are poisious

Does germs melt from ice?

I'm not really sure what this question means, but I'll try to answer it. Germs are not the cause of water freezing into ice. Ice is simply the solid form of water, the water turns into ice when the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Do newspapers carry germs?

Newspapers can carry germs if they have been touched by someone who is sick or if they have been in contact with contaminated surfaces. It is a good practice to wash your hands after handling newspapers to reduce the risk of spreading germs.