

Sanitization and Germs

Although it is impossible to eradicate every germ around you, there are things you can do to help make surfaces in your home and workplace less hospitable to a variety of germs. Germs pass freely to and from surfaces, and this category will enlighten the curious and aid the phobic with various tips, tricks, and methods of deep cleaning and sanitizing.

1,769 Questions

Why does rabbits have germs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rabbits, like all living organisms, can carry germs in their fur, droppings, or saliva. These germs can be transmitted to humans through contact, causing potential infections or illnesses. It's important to handle rabbits properly and wash hands after interacting with them to minimize the risk of spreading germs.

Is there more people than germs on this earth?

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Yes, there are more people than germs on Earth. It is estimated that there are around 7.9 billion people on Earth, while the number of germs (microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi) is in the trillions.

How long does it take before you smell a dead animal?

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It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days before you start to smell a dead animal, depending on various factors such as the size of the animal, the environmental conditions, and the presence of scavengers.

How do astronaut go to the bathroom if there on the moon?

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Astronauts on the moon use a special space suit that is equipped with a built-in waste management system. They wear adult diapers and can urinate through a tube that is connected to a waste storage system. For solid waste, they use a special toilet device that is attached to the suit.

How long does a dead mouse smell?

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A dead mouse can start to smell within a day or two of its death. The smell can linger for about a week or more, depending on the conditions such as temperature and ventilation. Proper removal and cleaning are essential to get rid of the smell effectively.

How does a dead animal smell?

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A dead animal typically has a strong, putrid smell due to the release of gases as the body decomposes. The smell can vary depending on the type of animal and the stage of decomposition. It is usually an unpleasant odor that is easily recognizable.

Can ammonia kill bacteria?

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Yes, ammonia is a disinfectant that can effectively kill bacteria when used in appropriate concentrations. It disrupts the cell membrane and protein structure of the bacteria, ultimately leading to their destruction. However, it is important to use ammonia carefully as it can be harmful if ingested or inhaled at high concentrations.

How do you clean a moon bounce?

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Asked by Wiki User

To clean a moon bounce, first sweep or vacuum to remove debris. Next, use a mild soap and water solution to wipe down all surfaces, then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Allow to air dry completely before folding and storing.

Did you know that if there was no such thing as germs, there will be no life?

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Asked by Trinnity knowes everything

Gen 1:31  And God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was exceedingly good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 

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What microorganisms are against alcohol based hand sanitizer?

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Some microorganisms, particularly spore-forming bacteria like Clostridium difficile, are more resistant to alcohol-based hand sanitizers. They may require higher concentrations of alcohol or longer contact times to be effectively killed.

How do you get mold off lifejackets?

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You can remove mold from lifejackets by mixing a solution of one part vinegar and one part water, and scrubbing the affected areas with a brush. Rinse thoroughly with water and allow the lifejacket to dry completely in a well-ventilated area. It is important to ensure the lifejacket is completely mold-free before use.

What must germs have to live?

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Germs must have an appropriate environment with sufficient nutrients, moisture, and temperature to survive and multiply. They also need a host to infect or colonize in order to persist and reproduce. Additionally, some germs may require specific conditions or resources to thrive.

Is there any germs in human blood?

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Asked by DiamondXmas

Yes, human blood can contain various types of bacteria and viruses that can cause infections if they enter the bloodstream. Bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus can be present in blood and pose a risk of transmitting diseases to others. Proper precautions and hygiene practices are important to prevent the spread of infections through blood.

How do flies transfer germs?

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Flies can transfer germs by landing on contaminated surfaces, such as garbage or feces, and then landing on food or surfaces where food is prepared. They can also regurgitate and defecate while feeding, potentially leaving behind harmful bacteria and viruses. Additionally, their hairy legs and bodies can carry a variety of pathogens that can be transferred when they come into contact with humans or food.

How Germs Enter The Nose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Germs can enter the nose through the air we breathe, especially when in close contact with an infected person who coughs or sneezes. They can also be transferred by touching surfaces contaminated with germs and then touching the nose. Once in the nose, germs can multiply and cause infections.

What happens when germs multiply?

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When germs multiply, they can lead to infections and other health problems. As they reproduce, their population increases, making it easier for them to spread and cause illness in the host. The body's immune system responds by fighting off the multiplying germs to prevent the infection from becoming severe.

Does feces have cells in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, but only in a sense. Feces can contain cells and parts of dead cells but, since it is composed of wastes from food ingestion and digestion and from the body's other metabolic processes and is not a living organism itself, it doesn't have its own functioning cells. It has only cells incorporated into the debris awaiting elimination in the bowel. Stool also contains cells of organisms like bacteria and sometimes parasites, some skin cells, some blood cells and other cells from the body that are introduced to the gastrointestinal tract and then eliminated.

Do pennies have bacteria on them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pennies can harbor bacteria on their surface. Studies have shown that coins, including pennies, can carry various bacteria and germs due to frequent handling and exposure to different environments. It is always recommended to wash your hands after handling coins or money.

Why do the crystals of Bt toxin produced by some bacteria do not kill the bacteria themselves?

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The Bt toxin produced by bacteria is in the form of an inert crystal that becomes toxic only when ingested by specific insect larvae. This crystal is not toxic to the bacteria themselves because they have mechanisms to prevent the toxin from affecting them, allowing them to produce and store it safely until it is needed for defense against insect predators.

What are three types of germs layers?

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The three germ layers are the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Endoderm gives rise to the innermost tissues and organs, mesoderm forms the middle tissues and organs, and ectoderm becomes the outermost tissues and structures of an organism.

What is the optimal temperature to sETOP breeding of germs?

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The optimal temperature for breeding germs varies depending on the specific type of germ. However, most germs tend to thrive and reproduce best at temperatures around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the normal body temperature for humans. Providing a warm and moist environment can promote germ growth and reproduction.

What do ciliates and flagelates have in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both ciliates and flagellates are types of protists that use hair-like structures for movement. Ciliates have numerous short hair-like structures called cilia, while flagellates have one or a few longer whip-like structures called flagella. Both groups are part of the phylum Ciliophora in the kingdom Protista.

Why can't you kill viruses inside you?

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Viruses reproduce by hijacking host cells' machinery. Since they are not alive themselves, there is no straightforward way to kill them like you would bacteria. Your immune system can target and eliminate viruses over time.

How do basophils kill germs?

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Basophils release histamine and other chemicals that can help to attract other immune cells to the site of infection. Additionally, basophils can phagocytize pathogens and help initiate the inflammatory response in the body. However, basophils are not as efficient at directly killing germs as other immune cells like neutrophils or macrophages.

How do the lungs keep themselves free from germs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lungs have specialized cells called macrophages that help to identify and remove germs or foreign particles that are inhaled. Additionally, the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract trap and expel germs through coughing or sneezing. The immune system also plays a role in detecting and attacking any germs that make it past the initial defenses of the lungs.