

Does ice melt faster in tea or wateror coke?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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Tea if it's hot.

They melt at the same pace.

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Q: Does ice melt faster in tea or wateror coke?
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Why does water melt ice faster than coke or tea?

Ice doesn't melt faster in water than tea or coke. It melts faster in tea. Believe me I'm a scientist.I am Dr. Sarah Smith. You need to look it up.

Does ice melt faster in coke?

Yes. This is because it is acidic and therefore breaks down the hydrogen bonds faster. (Although it is sticky!)

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out of Coke water juice and water what would melt the ice faster.butter, it is less than a solid, ice is more of a solid and has more valence electrons, so is takes longer to melt.

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No, an ice cube doesn't melt faster in soil.

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Ice cream will melt faster than yogurt, as yogurt does not melt.

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Water has a higher temperature in ice causing it to melt faster.

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Ice cubes melt faster in a more heated place or situation.

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The sun will melt the ice faster cause it is warm.

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Ice will melt faster because when it get to the sun it would already be melting

Does the coke make the ice melt or make the coke cold?

the ice mixes with the sodium which the ice begins to melt and makes your coke or other soda watery tasting

Do ice cubes melt faster with different objects in it?

yes ice cubes do melt faster with different objects in it like hoter objrcts will melt it faster tho