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Q: Does imagery involve the 5 senses?
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grotesque imagery contains the 5 senses

What is the 5 senses called?

In a text, the five senses are used to stimulate the reader and make them connect with its' contents. This is called sensory imagery.

What is the language that appeals to the five senses?


What is the definiton of imagery?

evoking the 5 senses to arrest your audience's attention to the vivid description (create a mental picture)

Language thatr evokes he five senses?


What is Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the 5 senses poets often paint images or word pictures that also appeal to your senses?

Words or phrases that appeal to the senses are known as imagery. Poets use imagery to create vivid mental pictures by appealing to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This helps readers to experience the poem more deeply and emotionally.

What is a language that creates picture using senses words?

Is It Imagery

What does information provided by imagery do?

Appeals to the readers five senses

What is using the five senses called in literary terms?


What does the information provided by imagery do?

Imagery can help create a vivid and descriptive picture in the reader's mind, enhancing their understanding and emotional connection to the text. It can also evoke specific sensory experiences and create a more engaging and memorable reading experience.

Words that appeal to the five senses?


What is the use of language that appeals to the five senses?

Language that appeals to the five senses, known as sensory language, helps to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader or listener. By describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures, sensory language can evoke strong emotions and enhance the overall impact of the communication. It can make the writing more engaging and memorable.