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Yes, but it would be good when you know what amplitude you really mean.

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Q: Does intensity increase with the amplitude of a sound wave?
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How does the amplitude affect the energy of a wave?

The intensity will increase if the energy increase. The intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude of a wave.

What do we see that the amplitude of a wave produces?

The amplitude of a wave produces the intensity of the wave. With a light wave, it is the intensity of the light, with a sound wave, it is how loud the sound is

If the energy carried by a sound wave is multiplied by a thousand times bywhat factor does the intensity of the sound wave increase?

The factor does the intensity of the sound waves increase because the intensity of sound waves is related to the amplitude. Sound with a greater amplitude also has a greater intensity.

What is the amplitude of a sound wave a measure of?

The amplitude of a sound wave is the measure of the intensity of the sound, such as loudness.

What is the wave in which amplitude changes to create sound?

The wave in which amplitude changes to create sound is a sound wave. The intensity of the wave will be changed by energy.

What happens to the volume of a sound wave as its amplitude decrease?

You mean by the word 'volume' the intensity of sound wave. Intensity is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude.

What does the amplitude of a sound wave determine?

Amplitude is the energy of a sound wave, which we also call Loudness

What property of sound depends on the energy and intensity of the sound wave?

Its volume or how loud it is.

What describes the amplitude of a wave?

The square of the amplitude gives the intensity of the wave. Intensity in case of sound is sensed as loudness and in case of light as brightness.

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its?

By its amplitude. Really loudness is sound intensity & intensity depends on square of amplitude ie. higher the amplitude higher the intensity which means higher the loudness.

Which wave characteristic is affected by the loudness or the intensity of sound?

Amplitude. (In the particle theory of light, brightness is determined by the number of photons).

Which wave characteristic is most related to sound wave intensity?

Amplitude (the height of the wave)