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Q: Does irritable bowel syndrome go away?
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How can I get a diagnosis on whether I have irritable bowel syndrome?

I would suggest going to your primary caretaker. It's not safe to get a diagnosis over the internet. I would go to your doctor and explain your symptoms. They should be able to figure out what's wrong.

Why does anxiety cause diahrrhea?

It depends on the person. I have had GAD since I was 6 years old and when I get extremely anxious I get diahrrhea. Most people have to go to the bathroom (in some way) when they get nervous. Nothing to be worried about.

What age does down syndrome go away?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, a person with this disorder has it for life, it does not go away.

Is is okay to drink green tea if you have irritable bowel syndrome?

yes. Also if you have ibs try taking a natural digestive enzyme. Doctors will shy away from this because they cant make money on it. It is very good for the digestive tract.. also Fresh apple juice.. Not walmart or foodlion. go to an apple orchard that sells it fresh by the gallon. There is one in VA called golden acres

Can you get down syndrome later on in life?

it does not go away

What is a possible treatment for the irritable bowel syndrome?

There are several treatments available for IRS, or irritable bowel syndrome. One could go see a traditional doctor, which would probably prescribe some chemically based medicine to ingest. Doctors recognize the intestine wall has been irritated, which has been seen by filming the intestines. Traditional medicine also believes IRS to be of a psychological nature, and may recommend therapy sessions. For more information, ask a doctor. Alternative medicine feels IRS is a bacterial problem, and would probably recommend a herbal treatment. Black Walnut Hull Tincture would probably be their remedy. For more information, ask a natural therapist.

White mucus bowel movement?

I have a medical background and I know that this can be an indicator of blocked bile ducts in your liver. You need to go to the doctor immediately. They will do an ultrasound to see if this is the case. I can not stress to you how important it is for you to get to the hospital immediately.Good luck.

Does Indian food cause diarrhea?

Indian food can give you diarrhea if it is greasy or prepared with a lot of spices, which is a frequent complaint of restaurants that serve Indian food. If you prepare it yourself, then you can control which ingredients go into the food and you'll be less likely to get sick. Also it helps if you don't have pre-existing gastrointestinal problems such as acid reflux or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Does Stevens Johnson syndrome go away?

Stevens Johnson syndrome is a severe allergic reaction to medications. The treatment for severe skin sloughing is pig skin grafts, and comfort care. Stevens Johnson syndrome does go away after the reaction runs its course, which can be months or years.

You are producing breast milk and have movement in your stomach which sometimes is hardening like braxton hicks are you pregnant or is it irritable bowel?

It sounds very much like you are pregnant, but you really need to go to a doctor to find out for sure. I urge you to go immediately.

You sometimes get a knotting feeling in your stomach on the left side what is this?

Maybe you should drink more water, it happens-lack of H20. You should go to the doctors and check it out, it could be many things like-liver damage, or an infection. I hope this is helpful- but honesty go to the doctors

Are heart palpitations a part of irritable bowel syndrome?

Yes it can be, because Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is usually created by stress, thus, stress can cause heart palpitations, but this doesn't mean you will have a heart attack or stroke. IBS and heart palpitations can be helped a great deal by good diet, exercise (yoga is a good source of Tai Chi) walking and taking some calming moments for yourself throughout the day. Also learning about Cognitive Therapy will help give you the tools to deal with daily stress which most of us go through. Also stay away from caffeine which is pop, coffee, tea, chocolate. Alcohol (stimulant) can also cause heart palpitations and irritate your IBS. If you love a morning coffee or tea then have it, but drink a full glass of water afterward. If you really need chocolate or want to go out and have a few drinks then you know that heart palpitations may follow and so deep breath to calm things down.