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Q: Does it get colder as you go higher?
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Does it get colder as you get higher?

yes. the higher you go, it becomes colder. surface of the earth temp? not air temp.

When you climb higher what happens to you?

when you climb higher you will get colder and colder when you go higher.2. it dosent have much air when you get up so take breathing equietment.

When you get higher in the atmosphere does the air get warmer or colder?

colder, the farther up you go, the lower the tempurature

Why does it get colder in the troposphere then get hoter in the stratusphere then get colder again in the metrosphere?

Because it gets colder the higher you go in the homospere until you get to the ozone layer where sunlight is being pushed another direction. This sunlight makes it warmer and then it startes getting colder the higher you go again

Is it true that if the higher you go in the troposphere the colder it gets?


Are mountaintops colder than valleys?

Yes,because the higher you go the colder you get. The temperature drops to 11 degrees

Why does it get colder in higher elevation?

Your about to leave Earth's regular temperature. In other words, at the surface of Earth, it's actually more warmer down there. But once you get higher, it starts to get less warmer and starts to get more colder. The higher you go, the colder it gets.

Why does it get colder the higher you go to the mountain?

It gets colder the higher you climb a mountain because of the lower air pressure.

Why ice melts slowly at higher altitudes?

because there is low pressure at higher altitudes

What happens to the climate higher above sea level?

The Higher you go, the colder it gets and less oxygen.

How does elevation affect the taiga biome?

It affects with temperature. The higher you go the colder it gets. Example: Mt. Hood is high in elevation and the higher that you climb the mountain the colder it gets!

Why the does the climate become colder and dryer as you climb up a mountain?

because space is cold so the higher you go the colder it gets