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Yes this microwave does include a "reheat" option for reheating leftovers.

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Q: Does it have a "reheat" option for heating up leftovers?
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Is heating up leftovers in plastic containers bad?

yes it is bad because there are chemicals in the plastic that might move into our plate of food and that is not good for our health so heating leftover food in plastic is bad.

Where do you get leftovers in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You have to wake up the Snorlax in front of Diglett's cave and catch him. He is holding leftovers.

How do you reheat salmon on the stove-top?

With salmon, there's a possibility that re-heating it in a microwave will cause it to dry out more so than if it is re-heated in an oven. It can be heated up for about 3 minutes in a standard 800W microwave.

Can a regular convection oven be used to warm up coffee heat water or warm up leftovers in about the same time as a microwave?

No. Expect a convection oven to take much longer to heat anything, and it has to warm up first. I would not recommend using it to heat water or coffee at all, however it is probably preferable to a microwave for heating leftovers, as it will maintain the original quality of the food better than a microwave, which tends to make everything soggy/chewy.

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It started out as a way to use up leftovers.

How do you reheat frozen turkey dressing?

shake it up and heat up in an microwave for about 10 seconds

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no it is not heating up the atmosphere

Do you reheat frozen roasted chickens whole or cut up?

Reheating frozen roasted chickens by cutting them up first is easier than reheating a whole chicken. If you reheat a whole chicken, it may dry out from being in the oven for so long. You can reheat cut up pieces at a high temperature for a short period of time which prevents them from drying out.

Where can you find cheap home heating oil?

It is actually up to you to determine what the cost would be by choosing the company to purchase from.Most home heating oil companies will give you the option to calculate the price you would pay by filling out a price quote.

What does the word reheat mean?

To heat something up that was already heated before.

What element do you use to wrap up leftovers in your kitchen?

aluminum, of course.

Can you reheat lamb broth if frozen?

YES! Reheat on the stove over low heat, or in the microwave on a low setting. Sprinkle a little water in to speed up reheating if desired.