

Does it hurt if you pull your braces off your self?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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no you can do it with a fork

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Q: Does it hurt if you pull your braces off your self?
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What do they do when they take off braces?

They pull it off with some pliers and it hurt like crap feel bad 4 you :]

Do braces hurt being taken off?

they actually dont hurt.

Does it hurt when braces are taken off?

not really depends

Do braces hurt to get taken off?

it might a little but not alot

Do braces hurt when comes off?

The act of removing braces can hurt sometimes if the orthodontist has to exert considerable force to detach them. However, one's teeth do not hurt once the braces are removed. There is a strange sensation, but mostly that it is the noticeable absence of the constant level of pain/discomfort that was present while the braces were on.

Will getting your braces off hurt?

ANSWER:Yes and no. To get the actual braces off doesn't hurt at all but taking the glue off does. It's a really cold feeling and it doesn't hurt your teeth but it hurts your gums. Then you get molds for retainers and they don't hurt one bit. Maybe just a little uncomfortable. Some people say that they hurt after, but I got mine off a few hours ago and they don't hurt one bit! Goodluck! xoxo

Does removing braces hurt?

the doctors normally put anticeptic, and numb the pain

How do you remove wax of braces?

no it is not. the wax is purposed to stop the brackets of the braces to hurt you mouth from the inside,wax is not a sticky substance. it is easy to take it off.

Do it hurt when you get your braces off?

I actually still have mine on, but I've searched it on Google, and it said that your teeth and gums might be tender after you get them off.

Does the presure hurt getting braces off?

my teeth hurt for a few days after i got'em off. my retainer was killin me at first too. man up and take the pain you'll be alright.

How do orthodontists take brace off?

They take the wire out that connects the brackets (square metal parts that are on each individual tooth). Then they pull the brackets off of each tooth, and scrape the glue off of the tooth that held the bracket on. They also pull the metal bands that wrap around your back teeth, and scrape the glue off of those teeth. When they have removed the braces and the glue, they will take a mold of your teeth, and use it to make a retainer so that your teeth will stay in the same positions your braces put them in. If you are worried about getting your own braces off, don't. It sounds painful, but it really doesn't hurt at all. But they all say that, and I'm scared! D:

Does it hurt when the braces come off?

Not really. Probably one of the simpler dental procedures. You will miss them for a while though.