

Does it hurt to get molars?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Not at all! I was worried too, but when I lost mine, and my new tooth was growing, everything was perfectly fine! If your gum feels unusual, that's normal. Bleeding is also common when it comes to molars. Just brush gently when you get to your molar to be.

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Why is it when your molers grow in they hurt your mouth?

You don't remember this, but your gums hurt when your baby teeth first grew in. Molars are the same in a way. They are trying to break through to the surface.

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Not unless there is a problem in cutting them or they are decayed or broken off. They are like other molars except they come in last.

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Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

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the large flat molars in the back of your mouth

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There is a risk of pain when getting molars removed. The amount of pain felt depends on the tolerance of the person. The dentist will give medication to ease pain during the removing of the molar. Generally a prescription is given to help with pain management during healing.

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The molars The molars

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It feels like you have meat in between your molars but it doesn't hurt that bad but it depends how you are in pain. If you are a person that can deal with pain then it probably will not hurt but if you cannot handle pain then it will hurt.WARNING: DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE PAIN! IT WILL HURT 10x MORE!PS. I have had spacers and braces and I will say the braces hurt worse. Good Luck :)

Is the goat has flat molars?

yes goats and sheep have flat molars.