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No, not unless you like everything they post, so long as other people are liking it too it wont be too suspicious

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Q: Does it look desperate if you like the post that your crush posted on Facebook?
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Why does my crush's friends talk to me from his Facebook profile?

they hack it to see if you like your crush

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Okay, I think I followed this; yes, if your crush's friend is asking you if you like your crush. YOUR CRUSH IS DESPERATE! otherwise he/she would probably try to keep cool and find out themself. I think this means your crush likes you.

When picking your man crush monday on facebook does he have to like your status?

yes you have a list of guys who like your staus and you pick your crush from that list.

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She recently posted a video on her shared account with Kristina Reyes, that she has a crush on Nat ( 2009 it was posted)

How can you ask your crush if they like you over facebook?

when there is something like a chain message, like 'you must post I Love You on the first 10 people who like your status' on facebook, like that status. then, when your crush posts that on your status, comment 'is that true?' and see wat he replies. good luck! (:

Does a girl like you if she repeatedly returns your pokes on Facebook?

because she is too shy to answer you because she has a crush on you!

What do you do if the guy you like unfriended you on facebook?

You could try to friend him again, but that might come off as desperate. I suggest that you be as friendly as possible when you see him in person!

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she was getting cyber bullied and kids at school didnt like her and told her to kill herself and her dad posted on her facebook."girls these days" and she killed herself

Your crush is married to a girl on Facebook but you think he might like you?

"marriage" on facebook doesn't necessarily mean anything. it could be a close friend. however if him and this girl are together, i suggest you leave it and move on.

What facebook is the real Vinny from iconic boyz?

He says his like page on one video he recently posted. Go to youtube and type in 'For the GRANDerz!'

How do you make a guy have nice feelings toward you?

i just came out of having the biggest crush of my life. i honestly thought i was in love, well my crush's best friend told me that my crush didnt like me because i was to desperate. that is one thing you shouldn't do it scares guys, if you are young don't tell your crush "i think i am in love with you" right away.AnswerYou can't make someone like you, they will either like you or not, and it is best not to push it. Just be friends with this guy, appreciate him for who he is, instead of who you would like him to be.

Talk to Someone on Facebook that you have a crush on without them know who you are?

Yes, applications like "Honesty Box" and "Hot or Not?" will alow you to anonomously reveal your feelings.