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Q: Does it make you anorexic if you are so skinny your bones show?
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Is Lauren conrad anorexia?

Their are no proven statements stating that Lauren Conrad is anorexic. She doesn't look anorexic either, she's skinny yes but that can be achieved with a healthy diet and exercise which her show "the hills" shows she does.

Is kaylee anorexic?

Yes, the character Kaylee from the popular TV show "Make It or Break It" was diagnosed as anorexic and received treatment to help her recover.

Are Skinny and Thin People Beautiful?

Yes Skinny people Are Beautiful ...But Not Totally Skinny ! A Little Thin people not totally skin looks beautiful cuz skinny just show bones and a little thin makes your body look in shape ! its not like only thin people are beautiful but most everyone is beautiful in their own ways :)

What would make a toddlers bones show?

by tearing off their flesh.

How do they make slender man look real?

they get a really skinny and tall guy and make him wear a mask that doesnt show his face

Where do you get the eliminate the bones ten in poptropica?

put the bones to show ten so you click whatever doesn't make the word TEN

If im pregnant and skinny will my body show it so soon?

If you are skinny you will show around two months. It takes skinny people longer to show then women who are already fat. You shouldn't gain more than fifty pounds during a pregnancy.

Is Kelly Ripa anorexic?

Absolutely! If anyone watches the show all she does is talk about her body and how she is fat! Seriously sick! It is sad. I had an eating disorder and she is a classic anorexic...the way she looks and speaks about her body..she definetly has disordered eating!

What rays can show bones in your body?

It's x-rays that can show your bones.

How do i become anorexic?

I don't think you'd WANT to become anorexic, I've had to live through it and it's not fun. Over time you become more and more obsessed with how much food you eat, and limiting your food intake, until it gets to a point that you don't want to eat much at all, if anything. It's very stressful, and no matter how slim you get you still feel like you're still fat. And no, it doesn't ever look good to be anorexic, because your bones show, and that's an obvious sign of a disorder.

Why is it that guys like skinny girls over chubby girls Is it just to show her off to ther friends?

Seems like they only want the skinny girls to show off.

How tight should guys skinny jeans be?

loser than girl skinny jeans. you don't want to show off your body