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Q: Does jellyfish stay in one place?
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Do jellyfish live in one place?


Do jellyfish stay in one sppot for the rest of their lives?

No. They move about the ocean.

How do you get rid of jellyfish?

You can not get rid of jellyfish, they have been in the ocean forever. They are here to stay.

Do Pandas stay in one place?

=yes but not all of the pandas stay in one place.=

Do jellyfish move around or stay in one place?

so they cannot be spotted by any predators. they are also transparent, witch means the jellyfish is camouflaged. some aren't so transparent. the box jellyfish is quite colorful. some jellyfish are still because the current takes them with it such as the mediterranian jellyfish. the Enchanted Jellyfish is a very colorful creature. so most jellyfish are very active but some are lazy current users.

Does a sea star stays fixed in one place?

yes it does stay in one place

Do black lionfish travel or stay in one place?

Black lionfish stay in place

How do plants stay in one place?

Plants stay in place by anchoring themselves with roots.

Are jellyfish dangerous for people?

When there are too many at one place at a certain time, then yes, of course. Jellyfish "sting" people and too many jellyfish near the shore of a beach is bad news. This is why some beaches close at certain seasons (there are too many jellyfish)

Does the jellyfish live in a cold place?


How long do jellyfish stay as a budding polyp?

as long as they want

How long does jellyfish baby stay with there parents?

For never.