

Does joe Jonas like outgoing girls or quiet girls?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Does joe Jonas like outgoing girls or quiet girls?
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Does Nick Jonas like quiet girls?

nick Jonas like shy girls so yeah:)

Does Nick Jonas like girls that are funny?

yes he does. he says that he likes girls who are energetic and outgoing and fun cuz he's very quiet. Im sure he does!!!!! He's related to mr funny man himself (Joe)!!!!!!!! He is used to funny!!!

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Preferences vary among individuals. Some guys may prefer outgoing and talkative girls, while others may prefer more reserved and quiet personalities. It's important to be authentic and true to yourself.

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It depends on their preference. Some prefer more outgoing girls, while others perfer more shy girls. If they are outgoing themselves they will probably like girls that are also outgoing, or talkative, and vise versa. I dont

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Jonas Brothers don't care about looks. They like girls with personalities that they find charming. Joe likes someone who can have a good time with him and is funny like him. Nick likes smart girls who are kinda quiet but can be energetic, and like to read. Kevin is taken, soI'm not gonna talk about him. But the Jonas Brothers have said they like when girls wear dresses.

Does Nick Jonas like outgoing girls or quiet girls?

Well, on myspace he wrote that he does like a girl who is outgoing and energetic, because of his Diabetes :(, he is looking for the girl who understands his crazy schedule, and will support him and makes him smile, and laugh. You guys should know that he hates it when girl are afraid of eating in front of him, and he absolutely hate it when girls wear not 2 much clothes to get "attention" and if a girl dresses nicely then he knows that she has confidence, and NIck really likes that. Plus, he noctice a girls eyes and smile, he is sometimes very shy to talk to beautiful girls like all of us!! so if girls are the oppsite of the kind of girls that Nick likes then not soo luckly. and if the girls are that Nick likes and you might get luckly. :)

What does he like in girls?

He likes girls who can make him laugh! And outgoing and confident.

What does a guy like in a girls personality?

funny and outgoing!!

Do the Jonas brothers like any girls?

they like girls

Do guys like outgoing girls?

No body likes hoes.

What kind of girls like quiet boys?

mute girls

For guys do you like girls who are fun and outgoing or who like to get down?

It is different for every guy. I personally like girls that are outgoing and fun to hang around. Why go out with them if you don't like them. I also like girls with the same interests as me, so there is always something to talk about. Hope this helps.