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Q: Does karst topography for in wet or dry areas?
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dry places

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Preferably not, as they evolved in dry areas.

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Yes, they do adapt in wet and dry areas.

What are the effects of the effects of the EL Ninos?

people in very dry areas got flooded and people in very wet areas went dry.

How common are dry spells and wet spells?

It depends on the area. Some areas might have more dry spells than wet spells, and vice versa.

Why do astronomers often place telescopes in dry areas?

so they dont get wet

What is the name of the seasons in the tropical areas?

The 'wet season' and 'dry season.' In Australia, the wet season roughly corresponds to summer in the temperate regions of the country, and the dry season to winter.

Is it true that soil is slower in areas that are dry?

soil is most fertile soil is when it is wet, and hot.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

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Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry

Why do sheep prefer dry areas rather than wet ones?

becaues goats and sheep don't like to be wet but give them fresh water

What does a weak El nino cause?

people in very dry areas got flooded and people in very wet areas went dry.