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Not necessarily. You should have a high credit limit, but not use more than 50% of it. This is what improves your score. As a good rule of thumb, don't get into credit debt. Pay off the balance.

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Q: Does keeping a balance on your credit card improve your credit report?
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The best three tips is to close out credit cards with a paid balance, make payments on time, and try not to have too many lines of credit reflect on the credit report.

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yes and no. If you don't' keep them; they will show up on your credit report as foreclosure and repo. However, if you keep them and keep paying; they won't keep updating your credit report with positive info- because, the debt was discharged. It's a double edge sword.

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No. It will show that you had a judgment on your credit report for up to seven years, but it will show a zero balance.

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When you pull your credit report you will notice at the very last pages of this report your creditor informaiton. This includes the name if the creditor, address, and phone number.

Can I start requesting a credit report form before I purchase a car?

yes you can definately report it.Every year, you can request a free report from any of the three credit. if you come to know and something is wrong You can improve your credit report legitimately and that can be beneficial.

Does paying a judgment improve credit report?

Yes it does. It shows that eventually you do pay.