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yeah kinda

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Q: Does keeping off heat appliances help hair grow?
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The heat from the appliances will melt the counter top. Also please correct your spelling.

Why does hair grow on my back back?

because of the excessive sweat discharge on your back and water's tendency to disperse heat, it is your body's best defense in keeping your body warm!

How can you make your hair grow long?

Take care of your hair like always keeping it clean, washing it ect... Eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink lots of water. Try and keep your hair out of the sun so the heat doesn't damage it. This may sound weird because your trying to grow your hair but now and then trim your hair just to get rid of split ends and damaged hair. Good Luck! :D

What hair styles help your hair grow?

It dosn't really matter the hair style, just remember NO HEAT.

How do you grow your black hair long fast?

Keeping your hair healthy will help it grow faster, using less heat (hairdryers, straighteners, curling irons) on your hair will help it. Surprisingly washing your hair less can also help it, because then your hair gets natural oils (it'll be greasy). Another way to help it grow faster is getting a trim about every six weeks, just getting any split ends/dead ends removed.

How do you grow your hair faster with out avoiding heat styling?

Supplement with Biotin.

How can you grow your hair?

There are many different ways:Buying shampoos to make your hair grow longkeeping it loose and let it grow out without being touched!- DO NOT USE not heat damage your hair, such as- hair straighteners, hairdryer, hairspray, sun etcBut the best way is to eat healthy, type into google 'what vitamins do i need to make my hair healthy and grow long' and it will tell you fruit&veg to buy which has the vitamins to help you grow your hair, also try and not damage your hair with heat products.

How you can make your hair healthy?

by taking vitamin D, keeping your hair mosturized, but not too oily, and by refraining from using heat treatments

What product use to make hair long?

Unfortunatley there is no hair product that is able to make your hair long.Although by keeping your hair healthy with as less heat damage as possible and regular trims of split ends then your hair should start to grow. Everybodys hair is different though and some peoples hair grows faster than others and for some of us, our hair stops growing at a certain length.Just make sure you have regular trims and look after your hair and it should start to grow. :)

How do you reduce the amount of split ends in your hair?

Take care of your hair. Condition it, reduce the use of heated appliances on it and when/if you do use them, use heat protection. Trim it occasionally

How to help hair grow?

If you take good care of your hair, as in go for regular trims as well as use heat appliances and other chemicals in moderation then there's not much else you can do. Massaging your head in the shower will help blood flow potentially helping to grow hair faster but there is no guarantee it will work. Some shampoos are said to help hair grow but these are often expensive and some pills also claim to help hair grow but I don't find it necessary to take a pill for your hair growth. If you want a quick fix maybe some extensions? Either clip-ins or sewn in. Otherwise you'll just have to wait it out.

Will heat not make your hair grow?

Too much heat can damage your hair. At some point your hair needs heat especially if you are getting any kind of up-do's or scalp treatments. It's the excessive heat that is damaging to your hair shaft. Such as flat ironing every day on high heat would be considered bad for your hair.