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Q: Does kerosene kill germs and viruses on the skin?
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Related questions

Can all soaps kill germs?

Most soaps don't directly kill germs. They dissolve oils and dirt and loosen them from your skin so they can be washed down the drain, and with them go the germs. That is, if you wash your hands correctly. See the related question below for proper technique.

What compounds kill bacteria cells and some viruses on the skin?

Antibacterial ointments, like Neosporin.

What happens after you wash your hands?

When hot water touches the skin, germs tend to fall off. Contrary to belief washing your hands doesn't kill germs, but simply pushes them off your skin. After your hands are washed more germs do attach as you touch things like doorhandles and shake peoples hands.

Is it safe to eat skin?

No because you have germs on your skin and you can get sick if you inhale or "eat" the Germs or bacteria

What does skin do in the immune system?

The skin is the bodies first barrier to germs. It keeps out harmful germs and bacteria. As long as the germs don't penetrate the skin, they don't cause harm.

Can sweat or tears kill germs?

Your tears contain the enzyme lysozyme which can kill gram-positive bacteria by disrupting their cell-walls. It does this by digesting the peptidoglycan found in them. Secretions from sebacious and sweat glands on your skin don't necessarily kill bacteria but they do give the skin a PH of around 3-5. This acidity helps prevent colonisation by pathogens on the skin.

What layer of skin on your body do germs lay on?

The "epidermis". "epi" means "outer" and "dermis" is "skin" The germs would be on the surface of your skin.

Does the friction from rubbing your hands together actually kill germs?

No , they cling on. It removes dead skin but not germs.

Does Listerine or similar kill germs on skin generally?

Yes, but isopropyl alcohol would be a better option for external application, Listerine is for your mouth.

Kerosene is caustic?

Kerosene is not caustic; but a prolonged contact with the skin is dangerous. Ingestion or inhalation are also dangerous.

What would germs do to the body if we had no skin?

The body is under constant attack by germs. Luckily thanks to the protective nature of our skin, germs cannot attack the bodily too easily. Without skin, germs would ultimately plague and take over the body as a result.

Are skin germs on Jordan?
