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It has 2 long vowel sounds: the A is a long A and the Y has a long E sound (layd-ee).

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Q: Does lady have a short or long vowel sound?
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Does the word lady have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "Lady" consists of two separate vowel sounds. Both vowel sounds are long. The long "A" sound and the long "E" sound.

Does the word lady have a short or long vowel?

The word "Lady" has two long vowel sounds. The "y" acts as a vowel in this word. The long "A" sound and the long "E" sound are both present in the word "Lady."

Does lady have a long or short vowel sound?

The word has 2 long vowel sounds: the A has a long A sound, the Y has a long E sound (lay-dee).

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It has one short and one long vowel sound. The I is a short vowel sound, as in "ill." The OW makes a long O (oh) vowel sound.

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No, the word "buggy" does not have a short vowel sound. The "u" in "buggy" is pronounced like the /ə/ sound, which is a schwa and is typically considered a neutral vowel sound.

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Is when a short or long vowel word?

"Is" is a short vowel word because the letter "i" makes its short sound in the word.

Is credit a long vowel or short vowel word?

"Credit" has a short vowel sound because the "e" is pronounced as "eh" rather than "ee."