

Does land absorbs heat faster

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Does land absorbs heat faster
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When does land and water absorb and lose heat?

It absorbs heat faster

What is accurate about heat absorption?

land absorbs and loses heat faster than water -Kacy d.

What is accurate about heat absorptionand loss?

land absorbs and loses heat faster than sea water

What absorbs heat quick the land or the ocean?

Its land although it also cools off faster then the ocean.

What is heat absorption and loss?

heat gain is when an object get hotter. heat loss is when an object gets colder.

Does black absorb heat as fast as white?

Black absorbs heat faster than white.

Why does sand heat faster?

because sand absorbs almost all the sun's rays, while in water some are reflected.because water moves and land is steady.

Why does the land lose heat more quickly at night than a body of water does?

bodies of water tend to have more object in and animals that produce their own heat. it also absorbs heat faster than land. water actually would lose heat faster if it didn't gain it faster. It's a more precarious kind of substance than earth is. but heat from the light reflecting off the moon and the fish in the water slow the temperature drop.

Explain why large bodies of water cause local winds to shift direction from day to night?

During the day the land gets is heated fast, but the water takes a while to heat up. At night, water cools down right away, as does land, land absorbs heat faster than water and can also gets cooler faster.

Can water viscosity affect how much heat a body of water absorbs?

The thinner the liquid is the faster it will absorb heat.

What colors absorbs heat?

Everything absorbs heat, to a certain degree, but darker colors absorb heat at a faster rate than lighter colors. A different way to look at it is lighter colors reflect more heat...

Will water heat faster then land?

Someone Else:No because water has a higher specific heat than soil No because water has a higher specific heat than soil Also because water as a higher heat capacity than land. Duhh... It is not because of whatever that other person wrote. I'm just improving their answer! Yay Me!!! will absorbs heat faster than water Beause the soil locks heat in